Customer Testimonials

What do customers think?

Alain Chavagne

Director / Business

Hello, I was very well welcomed and my consultant made everything to make my project self successful, very good listening services quick response and realization, thank you again

Shave Smith


I am very satisfied with the management of my file, speed, professionalism and availability Congratulations for your services ! Very good listening. Wise advice

Jean schulse

We needed to make a credit for the renovation of our home.

We did a credit search on the internet. It was by reading the rave reviews from other people who had been convinced by the service that I chose to make my request at My Loan

Finally, we received a loan of $ 75,000.

Jules Bertrand

Recently I needed to make a credit for cash. Indeed, I had to repay my mother who had lent me money to buy me a car, and had a seed with fuel oil at her house - not taken care of by the insurance - which forced her to pay A substantial sum quickly.

I have received the loan, what makes the difference with them is their extraordinary responsiveness, and simply the waiting time we do not have! It saved my mom's life!

Celine Pasquier

Site very clear and very simple. A serious and fast organization both on the management of the file and on the availability of the funds.

Marion Leroy

Marketing / Entreprise

Very serious organization and especially very fast I am delighted

© 2017 Juliette LOUTREL, Financial Advisor.11 rue du Clergé, 75018 
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